Frequently Asked Questions

Do you add sugar to your products?

Straight up no. We do not add sugar, any other additives or preservatives to any of our products. Our foods contain only natural sugars, even our date powder in case you’re wondering.

How do you obtain such fine powders and flours?

We take pleasure in using the best processing equipments and put our hearts into the whole process just to make you happy.

Are your products really for all ages?

Yes. Well, apart from babies who haven’t started eating solid food yet, obviously. From your children to their grandparents, everyone can enjoy our foods. But, if you have any concerns or doubts, especially relating to health issues, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor first.

Do you add additives and preservatives to your products?

No. No. No.

How do I receive my products when I order?

We ship to you. We can send through the post office, GIG logistics or through the car park if you are outside Kebbi. If you are in Kebbi, we bring it you if you cannot come to us.

How long is the shelf life of your products?

Once you keep them airtight, our products are perfect for up to 1 year. Simply make sure you keep them dry and airtight. 

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